The Concept of Wholeness and
Whole Being Bigger than the Parts

This art piece depicts the universal structural organization in biology. Different parts of a structure are bonded to form a new and unique entity, with unique function, but guided by universal and common principles
Ashley Davidoff MD

By Ashley Davidoff MD
Parts and Bonds
Consistent From the Atom to The Universe

Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD

Ashley Davidoff

The atoms bond with surrounding atoms to form the molecule
All the parts of the molecule need to bond in structure and function to create a unique molecule. In this instance the protein molecule.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Macromolecules and Organelles

The macromolecules including the nucleotides and nucleic acids bond with each other to to form the nucleus
All the parts of the molecule need to bond in structure and function to create a unique organelle In this instance the nucleus.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Organelles and The Cell

The organelles of the cell bond in structure and function to create a single entity – the cell
The nucleus is the central focus of the cell and it is bonded to the organelles including the smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula, Golgi apparatus, mitochondrion, lysosome, and messenger RNA.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Cells and The Tissue

The cells bonds with like cells to form the tissue
All the parts of the tissue need to bond in structure and function to create a unique tissue
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Tissues and The Organ

The tissues bond with like tissue to form the organ
All the parts of the organ need to bond in structure and function to create a unique organ
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Organs and the Body

The organs of the body, bond in structure and function to create a single entity – the body
The brain is the central controlling and integrating organ of the body and it is linked to the organs via nerves. Blood vessels, ducts and hormones also serve to connect the organs
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Atoms, Macromolecules, Organelles, Cells, Organs Systems The Body and the Mind make the Person

In biology all the parts need to bond in structure and function to create a unique unit that has unique specialised structure and function. The structural parts in turn bond and combine their functionality for the good of the whole.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
People Apply the Same Principles to their Athletic. Creative and Cultural and Biological Endeavours – Consciously and Unconsciously
Notes Bars and Music

In music all the notes need to bond in structure and function to create a unique musical piece that has a unique sound of oneness.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Letters Poetry and Literature

In literature and poetry all the letters need to bond in structure and function to create a unique literary piece that has a unique presentation of oneness.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Paintbrush Strokes and The Painting

In fine art all the brush strokes need to bond in structure and function to create a unique art piece that strives to unique presentation of oneness.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Man Woman, Sperm and Egg and The Baby

Man and Woman bond with and form a new life.
A couple bond in structure and function to create a unique new human being.
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
.. and then it continues as natural human endeavours
People and The Family

The people of the family bond to create a single entity – the family
The parents are central figures who function to control and integrate the family during the maturation phase of the family
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
People and The Community

The people of the town bond to create a single entity – the community
All the people of all ages, are central figures who function to control and integrate the community.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Families and The Community

The families of the town bond to create a single entity – the community.
All the people of all ages, are central figures who function to control and integrate the community.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Suburbs Towns The City

The suburbsbond with surrounding suburbs or towns to form the city
All the parts of the city need to bond in structure and function to create a unique city.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Towns Cities States and The Country

The cities bond with like cities to form the country.
All the parts of the country need to bond in structure and function to create a unique country.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD
Water Molecules, Droplets, Rain, Rivers, The Ocean

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
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And in our environment
Cells, Leaves, Flowers,Trees and The Forest

Plant cells bond to form lobules within the leaf.The lobules bond to form the leaf, which connects to other leaves via branches. A tree is formed which bonds in location and though the earth to create a forest
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
The Birds Bees and the Animal Kingdom does it
Continents The Earth

The continents bond through the ocean network with the other continents to form the earth.
All the parts of the earth need to bond in structure and function to create the unique oneness of the earth
Ashley Davidoff MD
Planets and The Solar System

The sun is central and is connected and bonded to its planets and the moon.
Ashley Davidoff MD
Physical Principles

All biology is made of parts which bond to create structure and function in time and space. The purpose to create more order and a oneness. This sometimes leads to order and health, and sometimes leads to disorder and disease.
Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD 2019